India’s talented individuals and Lok Nayaks were associated with the struggle of freedom struggle

India's talented individuals and Lok Nayaks were associated with the struggle of freedom struggle

India’s talented individuals and Lok Nayaks were associated with the struggle of freedom struggle

Jaypee was also one of the many talented personalities of Mahatma Gandhi who joined the struggle for freedom struggle. This is his popular name. He received the title of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan in the Bihar movement. JP also created a stream of different streams after independence from various efforts and movements of the social political revolution.Seeing this, Gandhiji’s words become meaningful, ‘When I am no more, then this man (JP) will speak in my language.’ This is what JP did. Therefore, he will remain like a pole on the political sky of India. JP will surely be remembered whenever reforms in democracy are discussed.

JP was beyond the temptation of power

His whole life is inspiring, relevant, extraordinary. In every sense, he set an example of living out of the box. People get into politics and join the race for power. JP broke this rule. He is the exception. He was in politics all his life, but did not get caught in power. He did public politics. If he had wanted, he would have reached the peak of power easily. Once someone asked Vinoba what are the features you get in JP? Vinoba said, ‘He has two-three characteristics. Jayaprakash was named after Jawaharlal as Prime Minister. But Jayaprakash never took power. He had no desire for power. Secondly, even after being in the grihastha ashram, he follows celibacy. But he himself is so humble that very few people know his specialty. The talk of Gandhiji, Arvind and Ramakrishna is revealed. But no one knows about the celibacy of Jayaprakash ji. His third feature is-

Humility, ingenuity and affection. ‘
Commanded the august revolution

Actually JP was the Himalayas of specialties. He chose America for his studies. Studied in America for 7 years. He got his inspiration from Swami Satyadev Parivrajak. At that time most of the students went to London. He took higher education in America. When he returned, he was under Marxist influence. Due to his wife Prabhavati, he came in contact with Gandhiji. Lahore arrived in Lahore with Gandhiji at the Lahore Congress session of 1929. Where Congress pledged complete Swaraj. Pandit came in contact with Nehru. He turned down the opportunity to become a professor at Kashi Hindu University and took up the job of Labor Research Bureau in the Congress office. After a few years, the Congress Socialist Party was formed. Walked on the path of revolution in freedom struggle. Then became a hero. Most of the big leaders were involved in the ‘Quit India Movement’ of 1942. JP was living a captive life before that. When he saw that the fire of August revolution was getting cold, Hazaribagh came out after crossing the high heel of the jail. Commanded the August Revolution.

New India Template

For JP, the nation poet Dinkar wrote, “It is called Jayaprakash who is not afraid of death. Seeing the flame extinguish itself, jump into the pool which itself falls. ” The British kept the JP in a dungeon in Lahore jail and tortured him. Rotated in many jails. He was finally released from prison on 11 April 1946. The meeting held for him on 21 April 1946 at Gandhi Maidan in Patna is indelible in history. In the first general election, he took the leadership of Samajwadi Party. Contested elections, but did not contest elections themselves. After those elections he thought about politics. Went through contemplation A decision was taken which left the whole country stunned. He went on a long fast. Followed the process of self-purification. When his fast was completed, Prabhavati ji said, “He has been reborn.” At the same time Louis Fisher came to meet JP and asked, are you being religious. ‘JP replied,’ I want to build a civilization on the basis of which man rises. ‘ Is there any place in the party politics of such a high-minded person?

For this reason, he went beyond party politics. Bhadan shook towards the movement. He saw the boom of revolution in that process and the possibility of a storm. When it did not appear, JP again started searching for what could be the new carrier and vehicle of the revolution?

At the same time, JP wrote an article, ‘Restructuring the Indian State System.’ In this, he suggested improvements in political structure and new creation. They were discussed. How should a structured system to enable democracy for the people’s aspirations become such that ordinary citizens can find their role and fulfill it freely. JP kept this at the center of his politics. Who wrote the article. That he sent to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1959 helped Pandit Nehru because the community development plan he had started on the Soviet model had proved to be a failure. What then This was the question that JP solved.

India's talented individuals and Lok Nayaks were associated with the struggle of freedom struggle

Emphasized true democracy

JP showed the way to Panchayati Raj system. The Indian government made an idea to walk on it. But at that time, the colonial state system in which it was governed and it was running with little reform. There were obstacles in the path of Panchayati Raj system. JP tried all his strength not only at the intellectual level but also at the experimental level to overcome them, he insisted that a vibrant democracy should be established in India. He also gave an outline of it. ‘The structure of this democracy starts from the base level of the Gram Sabha and reaches the floor of the Lok Sabha. He wanted it to have a constitutional framework at every level in which there was a clear reference to rights, work, duties and means. This was Mahatma Gandhi’s village Swaraj in his imagination, which JP called power-sharing. He cautioned that if the Panchayati Raj would be confined to the district level and it would be dominated by the party, then the people would feel cheated.

In such a situation people will believe that the politician Sachmach is not ready to give up power.

There are no other examples of experiments conducted by JP to change the traditional and colonial structure of power and society, he was experimental. This 5 element was predominant in his personality from the beginning. In the days of freedom struggle, he made Congress the platform of farmers and laborers. After independence, the government presented a 14-point action plan. He made it to Bihar. During the movement, the whole revolution transformed. In which his experience was clearly visible.

Panchayats got the role

Ultimately, the Government of India took the first step on JP’s path when the 73rd and 74th constitution were amended. With effect from April 24, 1993, the way for creation of Panchayat at district, intermediate and village level was cleared. Today the number of elected representatives in this process is 34 lakhs. During the days of Janata rule, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhairo Singh Shekhawat launched the Antyodaya program, which was praised by JP. It is a good thing that the present Central Government attaches full importance to Panchayati Raj Day. Despite the Corona epidemic, the Prime Minister addressed the sarpanches with video conferencing on 24 April. If JP, he would have completed 118 years of life and tried at every level to make the larger role of panchayats in the new journey worthwhile.


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