How to cure diseases with basil

How to cure diseases with basil

How to cure diseases with basil

Tulsi is such a plant, which sages and sages established like a mother in their homes, so along with health, people have feelings associated with Tulsi. Tulsi is worshiped in Hinduism. At the same time, science has described Tulsi as beneficial for soil, water and air. Tulsi is beneficial in relieving colds and colds. At the same time, the combination of ginger and black pepper tea with basil is a boon. Use of basil has increased a lot during the Kovid-19 era. According to experts, the demand for basil has increased rapidly along with Giloy, Ashwagandha. Basil is being used extensively in pharmaceutical and nutraceuticals. In such a situation, it is good to plant a basil plant at home, if you want to earn from it then it is also a profitable deal.

This is how you can consume

Decoction of basil, ginger pepper is beneficial for colds and fever.

Drink half a teaspoon of sugar with eight ten leaves of basil, besides half or a teaspoon of honey, 8 to 10 leaves of basil and half a lemon juice. If you feel stressed, you can chew basil leaf mixed with sugar or sugar.

Apart from this, basil tea and decoction are also available in the market, you can boil it and drink it.

Basil can also be consumed in the form of Dhanvati or Tulsi tablets, extracts and powders in the market.

Anti oxidant, has antiviral properties

The scientific name of Tulsi is Ocimum sactum. Its two species Rama and Shyama are more commonly used in homes. Experts say that 100 to 150 species are found in the osseum sactum. Tulsi has anti oxidant, cox 2, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, anti cancer, adoptogenic (anti stress), anti bacterial and anti viral properties. This strengthens many of the benefits of immunity.

Cleanse soil, water and air

Tulsi plant keeps the soil, water and air healthy and pure along with humans. It is a natural purifier. Many experts believe that it has the ability to absorb toxic gases, including carbon dioxide. By putting basil leaf in water, it also removes its impurities. The soil in which Tulsi is cultivated also makes the soil there more productive.

Remove oil from cladding leaves in the temple

Tulsi leaves are offered in temples. From there, the leaves can be sold by selling their oil. Vermi compost can be prepared from the remaining leaves. You can also earn money by making tulsi garland, incense sticks. But it would be better to learn the skill. Herbal companies, Aroma Industries, gives good prices to people doing such work. If you are working at a small level then you will get good prices from the local market.

How to cure diseases with basil

 Apply as a gap crop, earn profits

Those who want to cultivate basil can apply it as a gap crop. Tulsi can be cultivated from February to October. It is ready in 3 months. The cost also comes to 15 to 20 thousand rupees per hectare. Profit in one hectare also increases to 30 thousand. Prepare the nursery for farming and prepare the plant. While planting in the field, keep a distance of 40 cm between line to line and 30 cm between plant to plant. Basil in one hectare. 150 to 200 grams of seeds are needed for cultivation, which you can get from CIMAP or herbal nursery. After cultivation, oil can be extracted from its leaves and sold to companies.

“Tulsi” oil price rises

Scientists say that the price of basil leaves and oil rose sharply during the Kovid-19 era. Where earlier its oil used to get 600 to 800 rupees kg, while today its price has reached 1200 rupees.

Small entrepreneurs can take technology from CIMAP

Entrepreneurs looking to do business in Tulsi can take cuff-making technology from CIMAP. Apart from this, he can increase his good business by taking technology from companies for hand sanitizer, soap making and other things. For this, the government is also getting an exemption. Herbal Tea can be made by drying the leaves. Those who do not want to start small work by avoiding farmers and entrepreneurship, they can take the leaves from the farmers and dry it and sell it as herbal tea or powder. Dry leaf costs up to Rs 80 a kg.


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