Exercise for 10 minutes at home

Exercise for 10 minutes at home

There is no time to exercise. It is not necessary that you do exercise only in the morning. Whenever you get any time of day, you can exercise.

 Exercise here means that there is no talk of exercise going to the gym. Here, there are many such activities throughout the day, which do exercise, and we are going to talk about such activity. In this way, as you have to go to the third or fourth floor, you can use the stairs instead of the lift. Not only this, even if you climb up and down the stairs of the same floor 3 to 4 times in the morning, then exercise is quite good. If you go to the office by public transport (bus or metro), do not take the stop nearest to the office, but instead get down at a station far stop. After this, walk to the office. If you are going to the office from your car or two-wheeler, then park your vehicle in the far corner of the parking lot so that you will be able to walk more to reach your seat in the office. If you are going to get vegetable or grocery or any other item from the nearest market, then go for a walk instead of taking a bike, scooty or car, this way you will be walking a bit. If possible, if you are bringing any goods of up to 10 kg weight from the nearest market, then do not carry rickshaws or autos and carry that item yourself. 

you should also keep these things in mind. Do not exercise immediately after meals, if possible, exercise at least 3 hours before breakfast or lunch or dinner. Considerations for staying healthy, do not take bed-tea as soon as you wake up in the morning. Drink a glass of lukewarm water before being fresh. This will flush out the toxins present in your body. If you are doing exercise in the morning then never exercise on an empty stomach, the glucose level in the body is very low after getting up in the morning, so it is better to eat 1 or 2 bananas or any seasonal fruit half an hour before exercise. . If there is no fruit, you can drink a glass of juice. Those who have diabetes should not drink juice. If you feel thirsty during exercise, then drink 1 or 2 chunks of water. There is no shortage of water in the body and if you are going to the park, take a bottle of water with you.

Do not eat anything immediately after exercise. Give the body about 20 minutes rest. After that, eat whatever you want. Include things in your food that contain protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc. If you are exercising after dinner, sleep only after 2 hours of exercise.

Some exercises that we can do at home, such as standing up exercises, sitting exercises, lying down exercises. All these exercises can be done at home in 10 to 15 minutes.

Standing Exercise Running, Squat

1. Running: – Running for good health is considered the best exercise. All the muscles of the body are exercised by running. Also, lungs and heart are strong. While running, keep in mind these things, do not run too fast and too early. Before running, make sure to wear shoes that are comfortable and do not come out of the feet. If you are taking more than one round of running, then never sit in the middle. First run for 30 seconds and then walk for 1 minute. After a walk, run 30 seconds again and walk 1 minute. Breathing keeps pace with walking.

2.Skwot: – The whole body is exercised by the scout. All the scout related exercises are done standing in one place. There are many types of exercises that do twisted exercises.

Latent exercise

1. Crouch : – Crouch is associated with exercise stretching. This exercise is considered good for the stomach. This also makes the waist flexible. In this, lie on the waist and raise the legs by turning. Then bring the knees near the head. During this, we also lift the head. Apart from this, there are many other ways in which Crouch can be exercised.

2. Planck: – Planck is one of the best exercises for legs and stomach. Planck exercises reduce abdominal fat. At the same time, the muscles are also strong. There are many ways to do this. How to do Planck Exercise.

Sit-down exercise

1.Side moving :- In this, you sit down by hitting a quartet. Now spread both arms like the wings of an airplane. After this, turn left and then right, bend the body as well as the fingers of the hand touch the ground. Keep in mind, during this time, hands should not be turned.Do this exercise slowly for two minutes (30-30 seconds) for 1 minute. Rest the body for 30 seconds after the first set.

2. Turning the neck :- Sit down after hitting a quartet. Put your hands above the knees and come to a relaxed posture. Now raise your neck slowly and move it backwards as much as possible. Then straighten the neck. Do this 3 to 4 times. After this, move the neck to the left side and then straight to the right side. In this way, bring it from right side to left. Do this 4 to 5 times. After this exercise, stretch the neck slowly by turning it to the left. During this time the waist also has to bend slightly. keep in mind. The waist should not bend. Stretch the neck by turning it to the right side. Do this 3 to 4 times.

These bands will help exercise at home

If you are exercising at home, then you will need this type of band. However, to make the body very strong, some such bands can be used from the market which are used in exercise. They can be easily carried anywhere, but can also be used anywhere. 

1. Thera Band : – It is about 5 feet long rubber band. It can be exercised in many ways by implicating it in the legs or hands. It is used for stretching which makes muscles strong. 

2. TRX Band :- This is a rope or band about 10 feet long. There are handles to hold it on both ends. Can increase its length more or less. It can be exercised by holding it in a block. There are many ways to exercise through this band. There is also a set of TRX bands, which include many things for exercise. 


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